Arduino Discord Doorbell

The process

This may seem like a weird project, but it proofed to be very useful. The plan was to make a doorbell that would connect to Wi-Fi and send messages to me on discord when pressed. This means I will always be notified by the bell even when I am too far away to hear the bell sound.

The bell was made using an ESP32 which has an integrated Wi-Fi chip. The project consisted out of two big parts. The software and the hardware. I managed to make the software without a lot of trouble since I had made programs that connected to discord before. However, the hardware was more of a headache to get right. In the end I managed to make it work using two relays to make sure the circuit wasn't broken before the software was done. This way the ESP32 decides when to cut the power and does so by flipping one of the relays and breaking the loop.

After all the hardware and software was done, I modelled and printed a bell cover to conceal all the wiring. The top of the bell can be screwed off to change the batteries inside. However, the bell wasn't deep enough to fit all the wiring in, so I added a thick wooden base which is partially hollowed on the inside to add the extra millimetres I needed.

Nowadays, I have stopped replacing the batteries of the bell since it wasn't getting much use anymore. However, I still proudly look back at the project and the success it had.